Explore the book titles below. Each eTextbook was created as a part of PA-ADOPT with the intention of using it in a course. Readers can reference our support guides in understanding more on how to download and access the books. And faculty, refer to our faculty support to see how you can download any book for your own use, whether you are using it as is or chose to make edits to fit your courses and needs.


Currently Available

Adeyiga Book Cover

Laboratory Manual: General Chemistry I Honors

by Adedoyin M. Adeyiga, Ph.D.
Bhuiyan & Amiruzzaman book cover

Programming with Java

by Ashik Ahmed Bhuiyan, Ph.D. &
Md Amiruzzaman, Ph.D.
Nicole Pfannenstiel Book Cover

Web Writing

by A. Nicole Pfannenstiel, Ph.D.
Heavily contrasted view of a building entrance with blurred car lights out front.

The Digital Storytelling Handbook

by Jordan Schugar,
Chris Penny, Hannah Glatt,
Autumn Hudson, Tu Le,
Sarah Mangano, and Victoria McQuiston